
Calibration/analysis using SPOTPY

The calibration and sensitivity analyses are performed by the SPOTPY package. The links to SPOTPY are provided by hydrobricks so that it can be used directly.

As we might not want to calibrate all parameters, those that can change have to be specified in the parameters instance (see parameters):

parameters.allow_changing = ['a_snow', 'k_quick', 'A', 'k_slow_1', 'percol',
                             'k_slow_2', 'precip_corr_factor']

Then, an instance of the SPOTPY setup can be created by providing the model instance, the parameters, the forcing, the observation time series, a warmup duration (period that will not be used for the evaluation; in days), and the objective function to use:

spot_setup = hb.SpotpySetup(socont, parameters, forcing, obs, warmup=365,

SPOTPY only maximizes the metric value. Thus, when the metric needs to be minimized, we need to invert the objective function:

spot_setup = hb.SpotpySetup(socont, parameters, forcing, obs, warmup=365,
                            obj_func='kge_2012', invert_obj_func=True)

Once the setup defined, one can use any SPOTPY algorithm. For example, an optimization using the SCE-UA algorithm can be performed:

# Select number of maximum repetitions and run spotpy
sampler = spotpy.algorithms.sceua(spot_setup, dbname='socont_SCEUA', dbformat='csv')
max_rep = 10000

Similarly, a Monte-Carlo analysis can be performed:

sampler =, dbname='socont_MC', dbformat='csv',

Then, the SPOTPY results can be loaded for analysis:

# Load the results
results = sampler.getdata()

# Plot parameter interaction

# Plot posterior parameter distribution
posterior = spotpy.analyser.get_posterior(results, percentage=10)

Prior distributions

The default prior distribution is a uniform distribution in the range provided by the min/max parameter values. The prior distribution can be changed before the calibration/analysis using the set_prior() function on the parameters instance:

parameters.set_prior('a_snow', spotpy.parameter.Normal(mean=4, stddev=2))

Prebuild parameter distribution functions provided by SPOTPY: Uniform, Normal, logNormal, Chisquare, Exponential, Gamma, Wald, Weilbull.